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X-Rays & Radiographs in Santa Barbara, CA

Dental x-rays are a crucial part of dental health screenings and can ensure you get the preventive dental care you need to protect your health. Jeffrey A. Stratford-Jones, DDS uses dental x-rays and radiographs to diagnose dental and oral health issues, screen patients for oral disease, and determine the extent of issues affecting the gums, teeth, jawbone, or soft palate. Our comfortable, spacious dental office in Santa Barbara, CA, utilizes the latest technology and state-of-the-art treatment options to provide our patients with the highest level of care.

Dentist Highlights an X-ray Demonstrating the Importance of Dental Radiographs in Santa Barbara, CA

Differences Between Radiographs and X-Rays

Understanding the differences between a radiograph vs x-ray will help you prepare for your dental appointment. A radiograph is an image created using x-ray technology, so it is the result of taking dental x-rays. A dental x-ray is a procedure that uses photons of energy to create a visual representation of interior structures such as teeth, gums, and bone.

The Importance of Dental Radiographs & X-Rays

Dental x-rays and radiographs are an important part of preventive dental care. We can use radiographs to detect early warning signs of oral health issues or to diagnose the underlying cause of symptoms you are experiencing. We can also use radiographs to track the success or progress of your dental treatments or prepare for a dental procedure like a root canal or tooth extraction.

What to Expect During a Dental X-Ray

Before you undergo a dental x-ray, we will explain the process and tell you what we are looking for. We will have you sit in the dental chair with a protective vest over you. We will adjust the x-ray machine over the appropriate location and move away to activate the machine. Each set of images only takes a minute or so, and we may take multiple sets at different angles. We use digital dental x-rays, so the images are immediately available for us to review and evaluate.

Digital X-Rays vs Traditional X-Rays

Radiography with traditional dental x-rays uses film to capture internal images. The images are printed onto radiograph film and reviewed on a light box. Digital x-rays take images in a similar way to digital cameras, and the resulting images are digital rather than being printed on film. They can be reviewed on a computer screen instantly. Digital x-rays produce 80% less radiation than traditional dental x-rays, and they take much clearer and more accurate images. We use digital x-rays because they provide us with more enhanced information and greater detail so that we can detect even earlier warning signs of disease and decay and obtain the details we need to plan your treatment. They also offer faster results and allow us to easily retake images as many times as needed.

What Issues Can Digital Dental X-Rays Detect?

We can use digital dental x-rays to diagnose the cause of symptoms, assess the extent of oral health issues, plan treatments and procedures, and detect early warning signs of problems. We can use digital dental x-rays to look for:

  • Tooth decay and dental cavities
  • Bone loss
  • Dental abscesses
  • Cysts
  • Tumors
  • Abnormalities in the structure of your teeth, gums, jawbone, and soft palate
  • Malocclusion, overcrowding, or crooked teeth
  • Problems under the gum line or inside of teeth

Our X-Ray Procedures & Safety Measures

We follow all industry standards and safety protocols to ensure patient comfort and safety when taking digital dental x-rays. We make sure you are comfortable before, during, and after x-rays are taken and answer any questions you have so that you understand what to expect. Our digital dental x-ray machine has built-in safety features and protective measures that reduce your risk of exposure. We also ensure you are wearing protective equipment and are properly shielded from exposure. We ask that you remove all metal jewelry and retainers before taking x-rays.

Why Choose Jeffrey A. Stratford-Jones, DDS

Jeffrey A. Stratford-Jones, DDS and our team of dental specialists are highly skilled and experienced. We are committed to exceptional patient care, and we do everything we can to make sure patients feel comfortable and welcome in our dental office. We stay on top of the latest advancements and research in the industry and use the latest dental technology to provide patient care and services. Our dental sedation options can ease dental anxiety so that patients get the care they need to manage their dental, oral, and overall health. We specialize in general dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, and restorative dentistry, including preventive dental care and restorative dental treatments.

Schedule a Consultation With Our X-Ray Radiographer

If you are experiencing tooth or jaw pain or other symptoms that indicate a problem with your dental or oral health, visit Dr. Stratford-Jones and his team. We can perform a comprehensive dental exam and determine if you need dental x-rays or radiography. We offer personalized solutions that address symptoms, relieve pain, and improve dental and oral health. Contact us online or call us today to schedule an appointment.

Solutions for All Your Dental Needs