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COVID-19 UPDATE: Our office is open and proudly serving both existing and new patients in Santa Barbara! Click here to read more about our enhanced safety protocols and please take the time to complete our COVID-19 screening form prior to your appointment.

Dental Solutions With Jeffrey A. Stratford-Jones, DDS

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Industry-leading Dental Care in Santa Barbara, CA

Do you have a dentist you can trust? Whether it’s time for your routine dental checkup and cleaning, or you require a more-involved dental procedure, the office of Jeffrey A. Stratford-Jones, DDS, is here to accommodate you.

General Dentistry

Our general dentistry services focus on diagnosing, treating, and managing your overall oral health care needs. Our dental specialists work tirelessly to ensure your gums, teeth, and overall oral health are top-tier by providing dental cleanings, exams, root canals, dental and digital x-rays, fluoride treatments and more! Our experts know that a beautiful smile starts with preventative procedures to maintain the integrity of your oral health.

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Cosmetic Dentistry

A healthy, glowing smile enhances your appearance and gives you a sense of confidence. Our team of cosmetic dentistry professionals strives to provide our patients with their best smile with cosmetic dentistry treatments for several common issues. We offer teeth whitening and porcelain veneers to improve the look of your smile, along with several restorative dentistry options to accompany these cosmetic procedures.

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Dental Restoration & Prosthodontics

When your smile is missing teeth or has a cracked, broken, or chipped tooth, you may have pain or feel self-conscious. Jeffrey A. Stratford-Jones, DDS, is here to help with unmatched restorative dentistry treatments and prosthodontics to restore the beauty and function of your smile.

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Oral Maxillofacial Surgery

Oral maxillofacial surgery is a specialized form of dentistry that requires years of additional education and expertise. At our clinic, we have the knowledge to assist you with wisdom teeth removal, gum grafting, and sleep apnea treatments.

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Gum disease can be painful and deteriorate the appearance and health of your smile, but we are here to help you manage it. No matter what stage of periodontal disease you have, our professionals can remedy your condition with industry-leading periodontal treatments that cater to your individual needs.

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Oral Cancer Testing
Oral Cancer Testing

Oral cancer is a serious condition that requires immediate intervention. We offer exceptional oral cancer screening services to ensure our patients are not at risk. Our state-of-the-art technologies can detect abnormalities that may be linked to oral cancer, and our professionals are here to guide you through treatment plans and preventative procedures to maintain your oral health.

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Sleep Apnea for Serious in Santa Barbara, CA

Our Experienced Specialists & Staff

Our pristine office offers a comfortable atmosphere, fully equipped with an expert staff and a highly experienced dentist. Having practiced dentistry for more than 15 years, we’ve gained the knowledge to provide patients with top-quality dental care. We incorporate state-of-the-art procedures, advanced technologies, and high safety standards to ensure excellent, personalized dental care. We provide our patients with the gentle, diligent care they deserve.

Discuss Your Dental Needs in Santa Barbara, CA

Let’s Discuss Your Dental Needs

Located in beautiful Santa Barbara, we focus on restoring, enhancing, and maintaining your smile. Patient satisfaction is at the core of what we do, and we are committed to answering any questions you may have while curating a unique dentistry treatment plan tailored to your needs. We accept most insurances and have CareCredit financing options available. Contact us today to discuss your dental needs!

Patient Reviews

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5370 Hollister Ave Ste E
Goleta, CA 93111


Hours of Operation
Monday – Thursday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday (By Phone Only): 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

5370 Hollister Ave, Goleta, CA 93111, USA

jeffrey a stratford-jones logo

5370 Hollister Ave Ste E
Goleta, CA 93111


Hours of Operation
Monday – Thursday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday (By Phone Only): 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM